Troy Hipolito

Troy Hipolito Profile Photo


Have you ever looked at LinkedIn & said “What the heck are people doing here? How can I make LinkedIn a major part of my strategy?”

Do I create a DM strategy, build email lists, or create a LIVE show or monthly event, how about content and posts?

You are not the only one. Previously, I’ve asked that, myself.

Let me tell you a little story...

I am of mixed race. My mother is from Switzerland & my father is Filipino. Hence the "Top Swissappino LinkedIn Guy" title

And I have been a CAD draftsman, proudly served in the US Army, creative programmer, UI/UX designer, PM, entrepreneur, & single father

Previously had an award-winning agency for gamification. I was lucky enough to develop & support interesting applications for both Fortune 500 companies & startups. From Harry Potter fan-based virtual world, & Xbox mobile app to Coca-Cola branded sites & applications

We were doing really well & it all crashed. For the most part, the large companies stopped using agencies & brought projects in-house

We had to figure out something quickly

I reached out to a few colleagues that were doing well. They told me about building long-term relationships through LinkedIn & creating a daily process

Yeah, I was not that great in relationships. I was a terrible dater 😂. But over the years I began to understand🤔 So I took the relationship advice & systems experience and then combined them into a blended customized experience

Used what I learned & started THE TROY AGENCY